My current focuses and priorities, usually updated every few weeks:
- Work: I’m a senior software engineer at Chef Works.
- Reading: I’m reading Cibola Burn (The Expanse Book 4) by James S. A. Corey.
- Writing: I’m writing outlines for a few small adventure games to use as learning projects.
- Learning: I’m learning about Rust and Powerquest
- Learning: I’m learning to improve my React code.
- Health: I’m trying to walk at least 4 miles a day. Since I started working from home I’ve been very sedentary and I need to get back into the habit of moving around more.
- Health: I’m workig my up to 100 push ups. So far I can do about 50 a day.
- Hobbies: I’m playing Alan Wake 2 and lots of old point and click adventure games.
- Music: I’m listening to Poppy
- Music: I’m writing music that’s intended to go with the adventure games I’m creating.
- Projects: I’m working on a point and click game engine called BAE and also on this very website you’re reading.
This page was inspired by Derek Sivers.